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Selectmen's Minutes January 07, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 07, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Heather Briggs, Lisa Stevens, and Judy Kenneally via telephone.


The minutes of December 17, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

Mr. Jordan complimented the Police Department for their work in helping with enforcing the snow policies regarding the snow plowing and also complimented the school for their part in shoveling the walks.  Mr. Jordan, in addition, complimented the Highway plow crew on their work with the snow and ice removal during the past week.

Subject: Police Department

Present: Patrick Clarke, Police Chief

Chief Clarke inquired about two unusable tires and what to do with them.  The Board unanimously agreed to have Chief Clarke throw the tires in the dumpster.

Chief Clarke mentioned that he would like to hire a secretary for the Police Department.  He is considering into Donna Stockman to fill that position.

Subject:   Fire Department

Present: John Prickett, Fire Chief
Chief Prickett said that he has no plans for an increase to the Fire Department salaries.  He would like to have the VRP program cover calls and training.

Chief Prickett would like to look into having the Rescue Capital Reserve and the Ambulance Special Revenue Fund pay the estimated 50 to 60 thousand dollars for a used Heavy Rescue.

Chief Prickett told the Board of Selectmen that Boundtree gave a very generous donation of 19 pallets of medical supplies to the department.

Subject:  Mr. Stevens

The Board and Mr. Stevens reviewed the proposed agreement draft.  This will be redrafted and ready for next week’s meeting.

Subject:  Mr. Robert Gagne

Mr. Gagne came to discuss an Impact Fee waiver.  Mr. Gagne met the requirements and the Board of Selectmen signed the agreement. Heather copied this agreement for the Building Inspector and the office records.

Subject:  Board Discussion

The Board introduced new hire to the Selectmen’s Office Lisa Stevens to the department heads and general public.  

The Board discussed pay increases and when they would be affective.  A unanimous vote to draft a policy about any pay increase being paid retroactive to January 01after the March Meeting votes in the new budget.  

The Budgets, Warrant articles, and CIP were discussed.  The Budget Hearing will be February 11, 2003. The Warrants will be written by Judy and ready for January 31, 2003.  The Budget will posted for February 24, 2003.

Discussion ensued regarding the present phone system in the Selectmen’s Office.  The single line is foreseen as a difficulty in keeping communications open with both Judy Kenneally and the public.  Changes may be made after Town Meeting.

The question regarding Judy having materials from the Selectmen’s Office in her home office was presented.  Judy replied that only copies of office material and certain books were at her home.  Copies of the book A Hard Road To Travel will be purchased for the Selectmen’s office to have available.

Judy also mentioned that she is working on compiling a job description for each position now at the Selectmen’s Office.

Judy was asked to call Attorney Goldman regarding the legalities of leasing the property on Hilliard Road.  The question to Attorney Goldman is how the monies from a lease can be dispersed, and whether or not the money needs to be used to off set the taxes owed.  Judy will work on a plan for the house and its property.

Building Inspector, David Paveglio needs to know how long a building permit needs to be held for someone before it is activated.  The Board unanimously voted to draft a policy of using certified mail to notify an applicant of a thirty-day limit on the holding of a building permit.  Judy will put this policy to paper.

Judy questioned enacting a policy to be voted on regarding a criminal background check for anyone hired that will work with monies, funds, etc.  The Board agreed to discuss this policy at a later date.  Lisa Stevens agreed to criminal check. Chief Clarke took the completed forms that Lisa filled out.
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Heather asked when the new hours of 9 AM to 1 PM for the Selectmen’s Office would begin.  The Board said after 2003 Town Meeting.

The Board discussed the overages of the Highway Administration, Recreation, Police Department and Welfare.

The inquiry of Mr. Pinkney who came to the November 12, 2002 meeting was reviewed.  The Board determined he needs to go before the Planning Board.

The multi-family building that Mr. Bruce Luksza proposes was discussed.  The Board determined that Mr. Lukzsa needs to go before the Planning Board.

Representatives of AFLAC have asked permission by the Board of Selectmen to give a presentation to Department Heads regarding the offered plan.  The Board unanimously agreed that this posed no problem and permission was granted.

Judy told the Board that the letter from Mr. Steven Rutherford regarding his assessment on Horse Corner Road is corrective.  Heather will review this with Judy and make the changes needed.

The Board discussed the proposed abatement of the Wolf property and would like Heather to have the information available for next meeting, as Mr. Wolf will be attending.

Heather was asked to contact the locksmith regarding work to be done on town property.

Chairman Ted Bailey gave a set of keys to the Grange Building to Lisa Stevens.  Lisa begins working with the Selectmen’s Office January 13, 2003.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman

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